Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Beginning To Write

I would really like to start writing fictional stories. Originally I thought I would be stuck writing Reports and such for educational purposes. But now that I think about it, at my age I just want to enjoy things in life, so writing Fictional stories sounds fun. :D Anne Frank inspired me at first with her fictional stories she wrote in her diary, then slowly I just kept thinking of characters, plots, and actual stories that I could write. The reason why I didn't start writing earlier on was because I was afraid I would sound stupid with my vocabulary and everything. But reading the book called Chain Mail: Addicted To You by Hiroshi Ishizaki has sparked the flame of desire for me. It is about four girls writing their own part of a story that is about a girl, the Heroine, a tutor that is being crushed on by the heroine, the stalker who is stalking the heroine because she called the ambulance for him when he was about to die and now claims that he loves her, and the detective. It shows a girl worrying about her style of writing and how her character, the tutor, isn't intriguing compared to all the other characters. But she is trying even though she things this, so I though I should give it a try. Who knows? Maybe my book will become published and I could become a well known name. ;D
There is this website called 'The National Novel Writing Month'. In November it officially starts. The goal is to write a 175 page 50,000 word novel by midnight on November 30th. Last year I thought I could try, but never got to it. So this year I will go ahead and get a head start until I get the hang of it. Maybe next year I will start on November writing until the 30th to experience the rush. =D My username is Mokete. (No, it has no meaning. The only thing in it that has a meaning is Mo which is my nic name. Kete just sounded like a cool ending to it.) I haven't started yet, but I might tonight after church. I cannot wait! I selected my target to be Young Adult/Youth. Really I want it to be directed to other teenagers like myself. I hope people will like it when I finnish. :3 I am going to write about a girl, like myself, and just continue from there. I don't want a big plot. The goal I have for my story is to have people read it and compare it to themselves. For them to be inspired. Or for them to escape and read about this girl. Something that I tend to do. Books are my safe haven. If I could, I would want to have a small room filled with books, a bed, other living nescesities with a bathroom and shower in another small room. I would like a big window on one wall, and lights that don't shine yellow. That would be great! Maybe if I get a college dorm. ;) Well, I have to go and set up church, then finnish school. I hope this book thing works out. I am such a procrastinator.

I was posting on the forums in NNWM website, and I remembered a dream that I had a month ago. It was like the beginning of a story. There were four characters, then another additional character. It was like Part One of a book. I really want to start writing this. I will most likely use this story for the November Novel month thing. :3 But I have a long way to go, and personally, I can wait for fall. I want to enjoy the rest of winter, Spring, and Summer before November. :D

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Would I?

Alright, so I finally got around to making a Blog. :D I have been meaning to do that for a LONG time, but as my laziness rules over my mind and body, I tend to procrastinate.
Anyways, I will get around to costumizing the page. I may never get to it. I think it is fine. This coloring and everything is my style. Pastels r luv. My favorite color is light Blue. Then comes light Gree, light Yellow, and a dark/light purple-ish color. Iunnodacolornamez.

If you happened to check out my profile you can see that I am interested in Graphic Novels/Manga. My favourites are Parfait Tic, Highschool Debit, Hana Yori Dango, Chocolate Cosmos, and a few others that I cannot remember. =p

Guess what!? Tomorrow I am going on my Daddy-Daughter date and I will be getting my hair cut. :D I haven't had my hair cut since May. Yeah, a while ago. My hair is frazzled and is suffering from major split ends. I am going to get high-layers. And I will most likely cut the length a little higher. About an inch or two. I want to grow out my hair, but I think I really need this cut. I will most likely get the next cut a year later, so I might as well as to go ahead and do that. ;D Plus I like to put my hair in a pony-tail and feel the shortness. ^_^ The shortest I have ever cut my hair was just above shoulder length, which my Dad did not like. I ended up disliking it, but luckily my hair grows at a fair rate.

Well, there isn't much to blog about. Type to ya later!